From Alexander Hamilton to Sharp Delany, 11 January 1792
To Sharp Delany1
Treasury Department, January 11, 1792. “I think it proper that you make an immediate demand of the difference between foreign Tonnage and foreign Impost and those duties of Tonnage & impost which have been paid at the several entries of the Brig Lydia, which have taken place since the 8th of October 1790.… It is my intention to write to Richd. Carrington Esquire of Richmond in Virginia upon the subject of Mr Gernon’s citizenship.…”2
LS, Bureau of Customs, Philadelphia; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Philadelphia, National Archives.
1. Delany was collector of customs at Philadelphia.
2. No letter to Richard Carrington on the question of Richard Gernon’s citizenship has been found. Gernon subsequently became a procurement agent for the French government.