To Alexander Hamilton from Royal Flint, 21 December 1791
From Royal Flint1
New York, December 21, 1791. “This letter will be presented you by Dr. Hopkins2 of Connecticut. He is on his way to Philadelphia, and while he is in that City, I feel a desire that you become acquainted with him. The literary talents of this gentleman, and the liberal way of thinking, he adopts on all public questions of importance, will render him not only a valuable, but a pleasing acquantance.…”
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Originally a resident of Connecticut, Flint became a prominent New York businessman. In the seventeen-eighties he had been closely associated in several business ventures with William Duer and Jeremiah Wadsworth.
2. Lemuel Hopkins was a Hartford physician and poet who collaborated with other “Hartford Wits” in the writing of political satire.