George Washington to Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, [18 December 1791]
George Washington to Alexander Hamilton
and Thomas Jefferson
[Philadelphia, December 18, 1791]
The President requests that Mr —— would give the Letter & statement herewith sent, from the Secretary of War1 a perusal and return it to him in the course of the day with his opinion as to the propriety of the manner of making the communication to Congress: and whether it ought not, at any rate, to be introduced in some such way as this, (if it is to pass through him to Congress) “Pursuant to directions I submit” &c. Or (if it is to go immediately from the War-Department to that Body) “I lay before Congress by direction of the Prest. of the U.S. the following Statement.” &c.
Copy, RG 59, State Department Correspondence, 1791–1796, National Archives.
1. Both documents are printed in , Indian Affairs, I, 139–40. The letter is from Henry Knox to Washington and it was eventually dated December 26, 1791. The statement is entitled “A summary statement of facts, relatively to the measures taken, in behalf of the United States, to induce the hostile Indians, northwest of the Ohio, to peace, previously to the exercise of coercion against them; and also a statement of the arrangements for the campaign of 1791.”