From Alexander Hamilton to ———, [18 December 1791]
To ———1
Philadelphia, December 18, 1791]
My Dear Sir
I am this moment going to a rendezvous which I suspect may involve a most serious plot against me,2 but various reasons, and among others a desire to ascertain the truth induce me to hazard the consequence. As any disastrous event might interest my fame; I drop you this line, that from my impressions may be inferred the truth of the matter.
Yrs. sincerely
A Hamilton
Sunday December 17th3 1791
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. For background to this document, see James Reynolds to H, December 15, 1791, note 1.
2. This “rendezvous” was with James Reynolds.
3. Sunday was on December 18.