Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Alexander J. Dallas, 25 November 1791

To Alexander J. Dallas1

Treasury Department, November 25, 1791. “I request you to make my acknowlegements to the Governor2 for the Copy of the Laws transmitted to me by his direction.…”3

ALS, Mr. Alexander Hamilton, New York City.

1In January, 1791, Dallas was appointed secretary of the state of Pennsylvania.

2Thomas Mifflin.

3An entry in the executive minutes of Pennsylvania for November 22, 1791, reads as follows: “Copies of the Laws passed in the last Session of the General Assembly were this day transmitted to Thomas Jefferson Esquire Secretary of State; to Alexander Hamilton Esquire Secretary of the Treasury of the United States; and to Henry Knox Esquire Secretary at War” (Pennsylvania Archives, 9th ser. description begins Pennsylvania Archives, 9th ser. (n.p., 1931–1935). description ends I, 285).

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