To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 24 November 1791
From Jeremiah Olney1
Providence, November 24, 1791. “Though I have no doubt but that the Schooner Alice was within Four leagues of Land when the Officer from on board the Argus Cutter demanded a Manifest of Captain Andrus; yet I have thought it prudent, before I commence a Prosecution, to put the question to Capt. Maltbie, in a letter which I have written to go by this Post. The Vessel is the property of Messrs. Brown & Francis of this Town.…”2
ADfs, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence.
1. For background to this letter, see Olney to H, October 31, 1791, and H to Olney, November 11, 1791.
2. John Brown and John Francis, Providence merchants.