From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 22 November 1791
To George Washington
Treasury Departmt. 22d. Novr. 1791.
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United States, a Contract made by the Collector of Portsmouth1 for keeping & supplying the Light house at the mouth of that harbour for six months. It is supposed that this agreement has been confined to the term of six months in order to a future commencement in the beginning of the year. The conditions of it are the same as those of the preceding Contract, provided the supply be made in Hake Oil, & the extra expence of Spermaceti Oil, if it should be found necessary, does not appear liable to exception.2
Alexander Hamilton
LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Joseph Whipple.
2. At the bottom of this letter is written: “Note. The above-mentioned Contract was approved by the President of the United States on the 23d. of Novr. 1791.”