From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 18 November 1791
To Benjamin Lincoln
Treasury Department
November 18 1791
Inclosed is an application which has been made to the President.
I request your opinion, as to the competency of the present allowance, or as to what would be a competent one, if you think the present deficient.1 When you communicate it, you will please to send back the representation now transmitted.
I am, with great consideration, Sir, Your Obed Servant.
Alex Hamilton
Benjamin Lincoln Esqr
LS, RG 36, Collector of Customs at Boston, Letters and Papers re Lighthouses, Buoys, and Piers, 1789–1819, Vol. I, National Archives.
1. The “allowance” under consideration was that of the Portland lighthouse keeper. See Lincoln to H, December 1, 1791.