From Alexander Hamilton to Otho H. Williams, 17 November 1791
To Otho H. Williams
Treasury Department
Nov. 17. 1791.
There will not be found any provision for the payment of Mr. Edward Swift, whom Captain Gross1 has shipt to do the duty of Mr. James Forbes now absent,2 unless Mr. Forbes from a sense of justice and propriety allows it to be done out of his money. It would be well for you to intimate this to Captain Gross, and the more so as he in a former instance made an appointment of his officers, which can only be done by the President of the United States.
I am, Sir, Your most obedt. servt.
Alex Hamilton
Otho H. Williams Esq.
Collector Baltimore.
LS, Columbia University Libraries.
1. Simon Gross was captain of the revenue cutter for Maryland.
2. Forbes, third officer of the Maryland revenue cutter, was serving aboard another ship until the completion of the Maryland cutter.