Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 12 November 1791

To Benjamin Lincoln

Treasury Department
November 12 1791


I have received your letter of the 4th Ultimo, inclosing a duplicate receipt, No 345, of the Bank of Massachusetts for a payment of twenty five thousand Dollars, made by you into that Bank.

With regard to the boatmen, I fully approve of your idea, upon the strength of what you suggest, that the service will not suffer by dismissing three of them during the winter season.

I am, Sir, with great consideration,   Your Most Obed Servt

Benjamin Lincoln, Esqr.
Collector, Boston.

L[S], RG 36, Collector of Customs at Boston, Letters from the Treasury, 1789–1807, Vol. 4, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Boston, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives.

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