From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Olney, 10 November 1791
To Jeremiah Olney
Treasury Department
November 10 1791
I have, on consideration, deemed it expedient to authorize you to receive, in payment of duties, the notes of the Bank of Providence, payable in specie on demand.1 For the greater safety in so doing I have requested the President of that institution2 to furnish you with his signature, that of the Cashier and such Checks as may be sufficient to enable you to detect Counterfeits. It is my wish also that you will transmit, once in every week, to the Bank of Providence such monies as appear as the balance of your weekly returns, after defraying the expences of your Office, paying the other Officers &ca. For each of these payments you will obtain duplicate receipts, one of which you will transmit to me, retaining the other in your hands. Any monies that may be necessary to pay such of the undermentioned Bills as are not taken up, you will be careful to retain.
I am, Sir, Your Obedt Servant.
A Hamilton
Draughts remaining unpaid
No | 2282 | in | favor of Tench Francis3 for Dolls | 500 |
2345 | Ditto | 1000 | ||
2415 | Ditto | 500 | ||
2433 | Wm Seton4 | 500 |
Jere. Olney Esqr.
Collr. Providence.
LS, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Providence, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives.
2. John Brown was president of the Providence Bank.
3. Francis was cashier of the Bank of North America.
4. Seton was cashier of the Bank of New York.