From Alexander Hamilton to Charles Lee, 10 November 1791
To Charles Lee
Treasury Department
November 10 1791
Mr Gray’s letter of the 9th Ultimo,1 relative to the seizure made by you of the Ship Washington, and of five Casks of Brandy, has been received.
To obviate inconveniencies which the Owners might suffer by a delay, I have no objection to an immediate restoration of the Vessel and Brandy, provided the parties enter into Bond, with sufficient security, conditioned, that they will abide the event of my decision, when the subject shall come before me, in due course, from the Judge of the District of Virginia.2
I am, Sir, Your Most Obedt Servant,
A Hamilton
Charles Lee Esqr.
LS, RG 56, Letters to and from the Collector at Alexandria, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives.
1. Letter not found. Vincent Gray was the deputy collector of customs at Alexandria, Virginia.
2. H is referring to the procedure for the remission of fines and forfeitures under the provisions of Section 43 of “An Act repealing, after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon Distilled Spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon Spirits distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same” ( 209 [March 3, 1791]).