To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Peabody, 24 October 1791
From Nathaniel Peabody1
Atkinson, New Hampshire, October 24, 1791. Recommends to Hamilton’s “friendly Notice the Honble Jereh. Smith2 Esqr. one of the Representatives lately Gone on from this State to the Congress of the united States.” Also recommends James MacGregore3 for the position of Federal marshal.
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Peabody was a New Hampshire physician and politician. A veteran of the American Revolution and a member of the Continental Congress in 1779 and 1780, he was a member of the New Hampshire Senate in 1791.
2. Before his election to Congress in March, 1791, Jeremiah Smith had been a lawyer in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
3. James MacGregore of Londonderry, New Hampshire, was state excise master in the seventeen-eighties and a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1791.