To Alexander Hamilton from William Skinner, 15 October 1791
From William Skinner
United States Loan Office, [Hillsboro] North
Carolina. October 15th. 1791.
The state of North Carolina, (as was expected) continued to press their Certificates on me to be received on Loan, Agreable to your orders,1 I received them, amounting agreable to Mr. Child’s2 own calculation, aparently to 409.570. dolls. & 17 Cents, for which I have given a rect. agreable to orders. The 22.415. dolls. & 10 Cents which had been brot. in by Duncan Mc.Rae for Duncan Mcauslen,3 for which I had given a rect. is no⟨t⟩ acknowledg’d to be part of the Pubs. Certificates.4 The inclosd. is in Substance a copy of the rect. given for the Certificates recd. on account of the State.
I am most Respectfully Your most obedient Servant.
W Skinner.
Honble. Alexander Hamilton Esqr.
Copy, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh. This letter was enclosed in H’s “Report to the Governor of North Carolina,” July 31, 1794.
2. Francis Child was comptroller of North Carolina.
4. In “Report to the Governor of North Carolina,” July 31, 1794, this account is described as “lodged in the hands of the Commissioner of Loans by a certain Duncan McAulan and by him transferred to the State of North-Carolina” (copy, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh).