Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Eliphalet Pearson, 24 September 1791

To Eliphalet Pearson

Sepr. 24, 1791


I have the honor of your letter of the 10th. instant transmitting me a testimonial of my election as a fellow of the Society of The American Academy of Arts of Sciences. I entertain too high and respectful opinion of that Society not to esteem myself particularly flattered by so honorable a mark of their distinction; for which I request you to make my most cordial acknowlegements to them; permitting me at the same time to thank you for the obliging manner in which you communicate their act.

I have the honor to be   With great consideration Sir Your Obed ser

A Hamilton

Eliphalet Pearson Esqr
Corresp Secretary

ALS, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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