Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 16 September 1791

From Joseph Whipple

Portsmouth [New Hampshire] September 16, 1791. “The Dicas’s Hydrometer forwardd me to replace the One first Sent which proved defective came to hand but having found a workman who has effectually repaired the defective one, I have two on hand one of which I will direct as you will please to order. The Thermometer that was forwardd from the Treasury is by Accident broken. It was in the hands of one of the Inspectors, a very careful man, who was assisting the Surveyor. A Similar Accident befel a Neat Thermometer before in use which was borrowd of a Physician, (& wch. I have Sent to London to repair). I have endeaverd to procure one in Boston & Other places in this Vicinity without Success—be pleased to order one from Philadelphia for the use of this District. I have the pleasure to enclose you herewith the State of a Manufactory of Sail Cloth lately established in New Hampshire.”1

LC, RG 36, Collector of Customs at Portsmouth, Letters Sent, 1791–1792, Vol. 3, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Portsmouth, National Archives.

1For a discussion of textile manufactures in Portsmouth at this time, see Bagnall, Textile Industries description begins William R. Bagnall, The Textile Industries of the United States (Cambridge, 1893). description ends , I, 134.

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