To Alexander Hamilton from Daniel Delozier, 3 September 1791
From Daniel Delozier1
Collector’s Office, Septr. 3d. 1791
It appears by the books and Invoices of this Office, that Mr Thomas Fraser imported in the Ship Hope, Andrew English, Master, from Liverpool the 23 June 1790 five Cases hats marked and numbered from 9 to 13 inclusive.
Cases, number 9, 10, 11 & 12 were assorted alike and cost £26..9..3 sterling each, and number 13 cost £54. 13..9 Sterling.
Mr. Fraser avers that in his acco. of packages imported, he inserted No. 9 instead of number 12 which was one of the Cases he sold to McRea and Morrison, and was actually shipped on board the Sloop Polly, for Petersburg.
I am, Sir Your very Hble Servant
D. Delozier, Dep. Collr.
Alexander Hamilton Esqr.
Secretary of the Treasury
ALS, RG 56, Original Letters to the Collector at Baltimore, National Archives.
1. For background to this letter, see H to Cyrus Griffin, February 15, 1791; H to Otho H. Williams, June 4, August 19, 1791; Williams to H, June 10, 1791.