Alexander Hamilton Papers

Enclosure: [Account on the State of Argriculture], 27 August 1791


The farms I have selected keep on an average 16 head horned Cattle, 4 horses, 12 Sheep & 12 Swine.

Dr. Farm
To annual Int: on capital 200 a[cre]s
£ 8 ⅌ acre £1600 @ £ 6 ⅌ cent
£ 96. 0. 0
4 horses at
£ 15 each
£60. 0. 0
8 Cows at
£6. do.
48. 0. 0
cart, waggon,
ploughs Harrows,
geers &c
60. 0. 0
12 Swine  12. 0. 0
£ 180. 0. 0
on the above £180. I only charge £6 ⅌ ct. 10.16.   £ 106.16. 0
tho’ the annual loss in some articles is £20 ⅌ Ct. & in none less than £10. decrease in value by age in Horses & cattle, accidents, wear & tear, are the causes. I have made no accot. of annual Losses by wear of buildings, or accidents to stock.
Annual expenditures besides the personal labour of the farmer & family, and the produce & cash used for their support.
one hired man & his maintenance £ 37.10. 0
Extra wages at hay & harvest, & expences 10. 0. 0
Days hire for occasional business 5. 0. 0
Smith’s bill 3. 0. 0
all the hay consumed by the Stock 90. 0. 0
Rye 30 bls. at 4/6 6.15. 0
corn 100 bls. @ 3/. 15. 0. 0
Buckwheat 100 @ 2/6 12.10. 0.
Potatoes 80 bls. @ 1/6 6. 0. 0
Fire wood 20 cords @ 5/. 5. 0. 0.
Seed Wheat 15 bls. @ 7/6 rye 5. @ 4/6 6.15. 0.
Potatoes 12 bls. @ 1/6 0.18. 0
Corn & Buckwheat  1.10. 0 199.16.  
Direct Taxes of various descriptions have in some years been £20. now perhaps—but these are lessening   15.    
£ 321.12. 0.
By 130 bls. wheat a 7/6.
 50 rye @ 4/6
180 corn @ 3/.
 30 Oats @ 2/6
175 buckwheat @ 2/6
100 potatoes @ 1/6
Roots & other vegetables in the garden
2 Cattle raised annually
Wool of 12. Sheep 36 lbs @ 2/.
Pork 1400 @ 3 d.
Poultry in value
Hay 30 tons @ £ 3
£ 48.15. 0
11. 5. 0.
27. 0. 0.
3.15. 0
21.17. 6
7.10. 0.
6. 0. 0.
4. 0. 0.
3.12. 0.
17.10. 0
3. 0. 0
90. 0. 0
Dairy 8 Cows
   6 Calves sold @ 20/. each £ 6. 0. 0.
   (memo.—I allow 2 Calves raised).
   Butter 832 @ ⅓ 52. 0. 0.
   Cheese 100 @ 6d. 2.10. 0. 60.10. 0.
As to offal, milk &c. except a small part for the family, it is consumed by the calves & pigs, & accounted for in their value.
Flax 150 lbs @ 7d. £ 4. 7. 6.
deduct ½ for breaking &c.    2. 3. 9.
£ 2. 3. 9.
4 Bls. of seed @ 5/.
to be added
1. 0. 0.     3. 3. 9.
£ 316.18. 3.
4.13. 9.
Balce. agt. farmer £ 321.12. 0

N B. about 8 bushls. wheat pr. acre is a full allowance for the better kind of Farms in these parts. Some do not yield 6., and 8 out of 10 do not come up to 8 bushls. per acre. The farms I have selected sow from 15 to 20 a[cre] s. winter Grain. The average of actual crops is however less than 8 bushls. to the acre.

4LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

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