Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Le Roy and Bayard, [26 August 1791]

To Le Roy and Bayard1

[Philadelphia, August 26, 1791]


Being informed that you are drawing bills, if it is convenient to you to let me have 1000 pounds Sterling at 4 ⅌ Ct above par payable in London on my note at thirty days, including the discount, you may remit that sum by the Packet to John Barker Church Esquire & on notice of its being done my note shall be given accordingly.

I remain with much consideration & esteem   Gentlemen   Your Obed ser

A Hamilton

Messrs. Le Roy & Bayard

ALS, Chicago Historical Society.

1The New York mercantile firm of Herman Le Roy and William Bayard. At this time the firm, acting for European clients, was engaged in heavy speculation in United States securities.

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