Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to William Seton, 22 August 1791

To William Seton

Treasury Department Aug 22d 1791


I have to acknowledge the receipt of Yours of the 18th instant.

The Transfers of the stock, which You have purchased on account of the united states, must be made to the vice President, the Chief Justice, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General for the time being.1 In all future purchases, it will be most convenient to have the stock in the first instance transferred as here directed.

I am, sir   Your obedt Servt

Alex Hamilton

William Seton Esqr
Cashier of the Bank of New York

LS, Bank of New York, New York City; copy, in the handwriting of William Seton, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1These officials were the commissioners of the sinking fund. For background to this letter, see H to Seton, August 15, 16, 1791; Seton to H, August 18, 1791.

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