From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Olney, 19 August 1791
To Jeremiah Olney
Treasury Department Aug 19th 1791
Your Letter of the 11th instant has come to hand.
Your intended proceedings with regard to the seizure of Sugar You mention, appear to be proper, and conformable to the 13th Section of the Collection Law.1
I am, sir Your obedt Servt
Alex Hamilton
Jere Olney Esqr
LS, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Providence, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives.
1. Section 13 of “An Act to provide more effectually for the collection of the duties imposed by law on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels” provided that the penalty for unloading goods without authority was forfeiture ( 157–58 [August 4, 1790]).