Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Skinner, 11 August 1791

From William Skinner

United States Loan Office [Hillsboro] North Carolina
August 11th. 1791.


In about eight or ten days after my inclosing you the Extract from the Council Books,1 the Comptroller of the State2 agreable to his instructions came forward with a small part of the Certificates collected from his office, with an intent to begin the business of subscribing in my office in behalf of the State for the Certificates in his and the Treasy. offices; this Subscription I considered it my duty to refuse admiting until I should receive your particular directions respecting that business, In consequence of my refusal another attempt was made two days past by the Comptroller to subscribe for the Certificates in his own name, this Subscription I also considered it my duty not to admit of, as it was going expressly contrary to the advice of the Council, and in a manner might be deemed sporting with the public property, for an individual to fund the Pub Securities in his own name; I am apprehensive the Governor of the State3 (who has the business much at heart) will perhaps throw the Certificates into several hands that I may not suspect, and by that means obtain his wishes, however I shall be as much on my guard as possible to prevent the Subscription taking place until I receive your particular orders, but it is possible it may be accomplished by hands which I may not mistrust. The Checks to the small indents issued Mr. Jas Green4 for the May & April Money, I am told is in the possession of the Admr. of Mr. Green but will not be delivered up without your orders and that cannot be accomplished so as to answer any good purpose before the first of October.5

I am most respectfully   Your most obedient Servant

W Skinner.

The Honble. Alexander Hamilton Esqr.

Copy, North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh. This letter was enclosed in H’s “Report to the Governor of North Carolina,” July 31, 1794.

2Francis Child.

3Alexander Martin.

4James Green, Jr., was appointed commissioner of the Continental loan office on December 24, 1777.

5The “May and April Money” to which Skinner is referring consisted of Continental bills of credit issued on May 20, 1777, and April 11, 1778. Under a resolution of January 2, 1779, these issues were called in because counterfeits had been detected. Those which were not used in payment of taxes might be received on loan or registered in the Continental loan offices and there exchanged for indented certificates (JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (Washington, 1904–1937). description ends , XIII, 22).

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