To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Mifflin, 8 July 1791
From Thomas Mifflin
Philadelphia, July 8, 1791. “Upon the receipt of your circular Letter, of the twenty seventh Ultimo, I directed the Comptroller General of this State,1 to furnish me with the information which you requested; and I have now inclosed his answer upon the subject.…”
LC, Division of Public Records, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg.
1. On July 1, 1791, Alexander J. Dallas, secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wrote to John Nicholson, comptroller general of Pennsylvania, requesting a report of the “new loan” certificates (Edmund Hogan, The Pennsylvania State Trials: Containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Nicholson, Esquires … [Philadelphia, 1794], I, 276).