To Alexander Hamilton from James Rivington, [26 May 1791]
From James Rivington1
[New York, May 26, 1791]
I have now the Satisfaction to announce the Arrival of the first Volume of Hawkesworths Narrative,2 and the three last Volumes of Cooks Voyages,3 together with a large folio Volume of Charts & Copper Plates applying to them; these, I trust, will serve to perfect the incomplete Set You had from me, previous to your Removal to Philadelphia. They are all safely packed in a Box directed to You, I hope they will reach your hands in good order by the Borderden town4 Stage which departed this day; I am, Sir, with sincere orisons for your health, felicity and ascention to still higher eminence, Your faithfull and much obliged humble servant
Jas Rivington.
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Rivington, who had published a newspaper in New York City before and during the American Revolution, was at this time a New York City bookseller.
2. John Hawkesworth, An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the order of his present Majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cooke, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour: drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders, and from the papers of Joseph Banks, 3 Vols. (London, 1773).
3. James Cooke, A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken … for making discoveries in the Northern Hemispheres, 3 Vols. (London, 1784).
4. Bordentown, New Jersey.