To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 31 March 1791
From Jeremiah Olney
Providence, March 31, 1791. “I have received Mr. Coxe’s circular Letter of the 10th. instant.1 The Returns of Vessels built in this District, within the periods therein mentioned, shall be forwarded as soon as I can obtain a competent knowledge thereof. And should any Documents, relative to the Commerce, Manufactures &c. of this State, fall into my hands, they shall be transmitted agreeable to his directions.… I now enclose Seven … Drafts of the Treasurer, in favor of Jabez Bowen Esquire, dated the 15th of Feby. last.…”
ADfS, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Providence, National Archives.
1. See Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the Customs, March 10, 1791, signed by Tench Coxe (LS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).