Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Appleton, 16 February 1791

From Nathaniel Appleton1

United States Loan Office
Boston 16th Feby 1791


I wrote you 13th instant—this serves to enclose first Rect. 12th. Feby for Certifts. received from the Register—agreable to my engagement by last Post I have added up the Receipts for Certificates of Funded Dept issued in the Months of December and January for your information, tho’ it is impossible for me yet to transmitt regular Abstracts of the same. Amount is as follows

six ⅌ C Stock Defered 3 ⅌ Sent Stock
December 314,916.85 157 458.74 267,715.48
January 278,524.60 139 262.62 224 090.86
593,441.45 296,721.36 491,806.34

with great respect I have the honor to be   Sr. your most hum Servt


LC, RG 53, Massachusetts State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1785–1791, Vol. “259–M,” National Archives.

1For background to the loan office business to which Appleton is referring, see Appleton to H, February 5, 1791, note 1.

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