To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 14 February 1791
From Jeremiah Olney1
Providence, February 14, 1791. “The enclosed Letter to the Treasurer, covers the second Moieties (the first being transmitted the 10th. instant) of Two Bank Notes, amounting, ⅌ triplicate List herewith, to 127 Dollars.… I have … received your Letter of the 31st. Ulto., relative to the appointment of Mates to the Revenue Cutters. I have in view Two or Three Persons whom I could recommend as suitable for those births; and if, on conversing with them, I find they will accept thereof, you shall be made acquainted with their Names by the next Post.”
ADfS, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Providence, National Archives.
1. Olney was collector of customs at Providence.