Alexander Hamilton Papers

Treasury Department Circular to the Governors of the States, 14 January 1791

Treasury Department Circular to the
Governors of the States

Treasury Department
January 14. 1791


It is necessary to the adjustment of the public accounts, that the officers of the Treasury should be informed what sums in final settlement certificates were paid over to the several states by the agents for settling the accounts of their respective lines in the late army. The statements of those agents are the only documents on the subject of which the United States are possessed, and it will be readily perceived that they ought not to be accepted as satisfactory vouchers. I am therefore obliged to request the favor of your directing a return of the sum received by your state to be made out as expeditiously as may be convenient, and transmitted to this office.

I have the honor to be very respectfully   Sir Your most obedt. servant

Alexander Hamilton
Secy of the Treasury

LS, to Josiah Bartlett, William L. Clements Library of the University of Michigan; LS, to Arthur Fenner, Rhode Island State Archives, Providence; copy, to John Eager Howard, RG 56, Letters 2d Comptroller, 2d Auditor, Executive of Maryland and Georgia, 1789–1833, National Archives; copy, to John Eager Howard, RG 56, Miscellaneous Letters Sent, “Set K,” National Archives; LS, to Thomas Mifflin, sold by American Art Association, March 12, 1920, Lot 381; LS, to Beverley Randolph, Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond; LS, to Edward Telfair, sold by Merwin Clayton Sales, March 21, 1911, Lot 140; LS, Hall of Records of Maryland, Annapolis; copy, Division of Public Records, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg; copy, to Samuel Huntington, owned by Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., New York City.

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