Alexander Hamilton Papers

Treasury Department Circular to the Commissioners of Loans, 7 October 1790

Treasury Department Circular to the
Commissioners of Loans

Treasury Department
October 7th 1790


It is necessary to inform you that the late Loan Officers Certificates for Interest due on the public Debt are to be received only at the New Loan Office for the State wherein such Interest Certificates were issued. The Certificates contemplated, are those given in lieu of the Indents or facilities signed by M. Hillegas Josh. Hardy or Henry Kuhl.1

As there will probably be presented to you forged (or altered) Certificates of the public Debt, I request that after having examined and ascertained as well as may be possible, the original number, payee, amount &ca. of such altered Certificates, by the Checks & Registers in your Office, you will transmit the same to the Treasury. Should any new or considerable forgeries or Counterfiets appear, every information you can give me will be desireable & that early.

You will after the receipt hereof transmit to the Auditor of the Treasury under cover to me all Certificates which you are directed by my letters to send to the Treasury.

I am Sir   Your Obedient Servant

Alex Hamilton

LS, to John Cochran, Park Collection, Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, New Jersey; LS, to James Tilton, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1These men had been officials in the Confederation government. Michael Hillegas had been Treasurer of the United States; Joseph Hardy had been an accountant in the Treasury office; and Kuhl had been a clerk in the same office.

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