Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 6 October 1790

To George Washington

Treasury Departmt. Oct: 6th. 1790.


I have received from Nathl. Gilman Esquire the Commissioner of Loans for New-Hampshire, a letter of the 27th. September1 informing me, that he has transmitted his commission to you, with a resignation of his Office. I beg leave on this occasion to call to your mind the name of Woodbury Langdon Esquire,2 who from my recollection of circumstances, and from the result of my enquiries to day, appears to be a suitable person to execute this duty, should none more proper be at this time before you. The situation and nature of the office render as early an appointment, as you may deem proper, of consequence to the public interests and individual convenience.

I have the honor to be with the highest respect, sir, Your mo: Obedient & most hble servant

Alexander Hamilton

LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

1Letter not found.

2Woodbury Langdon, the brother of John Langdon, was a New Hampshire merchant and politician. In June, 1790, after he had served five years on the state superior court, he was impeached for neglect of duty by the lower house of the state legislature. The trial, however, was not held until January, 1791, and Langdon was allowed to resign.

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