First Conversation of August 8–12 with George Beckwith, [8–12 August 1790]
First Conversation of August 8–12
with George Beckwith1
[New York, August 8–12, 1790]2
… Supposed 7.3 I have mentioned Your application with all the circumstances attending it; there will be no sort of difficulty in Your seeing Mr. Mc.Gillivray whenever you please;4 General Knox,5 at whose house he resides, is apprized of it, and will introduce You to him. I cannot think it probable, that any of the attempts to sound Your ideas or dispositions during our negotiations with the Creeks have originated with our Government; it is a mode of acting so very different from that which we should have taken, if any suspicions had existed relative to You personally or to Your government.
I have already mentioned my wish, that when matters shall be brought to a point, and a serious discussion take place between Great Britain and us, pains may be taken to guard against any jealousies in the manner of it; we are a new people, which may occasion a coyness; some of us possibly may entertain doubts of your wanting to mark a superiority, and such an idea may give a turn to the whole negotiation.
D, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario;
42/69 f. 16-25.1. This document was enclosed in Lord Dorchester to William Wyndham Grenville, September 25, 1790.
2. This conversation took place shortly after the “Conversation with George Beckwith,” August 7–12, 1790.
3. “7” was Beckwith’s code number for H.
5. Henry Knox.