Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Jefferson, 9 July 1790

From Thomas Jefferson

New York July 9. 1790

Dear Sir

You were so kind as to say you would write to our bankers in Holland to answer my draught for a part of the balance due me for salary etc.1 I suppose in fact it will be necessary to clear their minds on the subject, for tho’ they know that the diplomatic expences in Europe were paid on the funds in their hands, yet as I am here they will naturally expect your instructions should accompany my draught. It will be for £350 sterling, expressed in gilders, I do not know as yet how many gilders exactly, nor in whose favor I shall draw. Messrs. Leroy & Bayard2 are to negociate the matter so that it may be finished in the morning before the packet sails and also before we set out on our party3 which I understand is to be at 9. oclock. It will suffice I presume if you say in general terms that I shall make the draught & that it will be for about £350. sterl. expressed in gilders. I apprehend a duplicate also of your letter will be necessary. I shall accompany them with a letter of advice naming the drawer & sum in gilders exactly. I will take the liberty of sending to you at 8. oclock in the morning for the letters; and am with great & sincere esteem dear Sir your most obedt humble servt

Th: Jefferson

Colo. Hamilton.

ALS, letterpress copy, Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress.

1This, of course, refers to Jefferson’s pay when he was the United States Minister to France. For H’s letter, see H to Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard, July 17, 1790.

2Le Roy and Bayard was a New York mercantile firm. The members of the firm were Herman Le Roy and William Bayard.

3The entry in Washington’s diary for July 10 reads as follows:

“Having formed a Party, consisting of the Vice President, his lady, Son and Miss Smith; the Secretaries of State, Treasury, and War, and the ladies of the two latter; with all the Gentlemen of my family, Mrs. Lear and the two Children, we visited the old position of Fort Washington and afterwards dined on a dinner provided by Mr. Mariner at the House lately Colo. Roger Morris, but confiscated and in the occupation of a common Farmer.” (Fitzpatrick, Diaries of George Washington description begins John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Diaries of George Washington (Boston, 1925). description ends , IV, 141–42.)

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