From Alexander Hamilton to John Haywood, 15 May 1790
To John Haywood
Treasury Department
May 15th. 1790
Another half years pension will become due to the Invalids on the 5th. day of June next, which you will please to pay agreeably to my instructions of the 4th. of February last.1
In order to enable you to execute this business I have issued a Warrant on the Treasurer of the United States in your favor for 420 dollars for the payment of which the said Treasurer will forward to you a draft on John Daves esquire Collector at Newbern.
I am Sir Your Obedt servant
A Hamilton
Secy of the Treasy
John Haywood Esqr.
Treasurer of the State of No: Carolina.
LS, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library.
1. H is mistaken for his letter to Haywood is dated February 2, 1790.