From Alexander Hamilton to Joseph Howell, Junior, 22 April 1790
To Joseph Howell, Junior
Treasury Department
April 22d. 1790.
Inclosed you will receive a petition of John Wyley1 late a Captain in Colonel Jacksons Regiment in the Army of the United States.2
You will be pleased to inform me how far the circumstances stated by the Petitioner are ascertainable at the Pay Office, and what has been the mode of payment in the like cases.
I am, Sir, Your Obedt. servant
A Hamilton
Secy of the Treasury
Joseph Howell Junr. esqr.
Pay Master General.
LS, RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives.
1. On April 21, 1790, the House referred to H “A petition of John Wiley … praying to be reimbursed for moneys advanced in the service of the United States during the late war” ( , 197).
2. Colonel Henry Jackson.