Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 April 1790

To Thomas Jefferson

Treasury Department April 20th. 1790.


I have the honor to enclose you copies of certain communications which have been made to me,1 respecting the detention of the Registers of vessels of the United States in some of the Islands of his Christian Majesty, in order that such measures may be taken as shall appear adviseable towards preventing in future a practice, which has a tendency either to interfere with the policy of our Laws, or to prevent the sale of our vessels to the inhabitants of those Islands.

I have the honor to be &c.

Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the Treasury.

LC, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives; copy, RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters, 1790–1799, National Archives.

1See William Lindsay to H, February 19, 1790. The other enclosures to this letter were: David Plunket to Moses Myers, January 16, 1790; John Nivison to Josiah Parker, February 16, 1790; Affidavit of John Brown, February 16, 1790. Copies of these enclosures may be found in RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters Received, National Archives.

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