Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Joseph Howell, Junior, 8 March 1790

To Joseph Howell, Junior

Treasury Department
8th. March 1790.


I wish you to inform me when Samuel Armstrong Paymaster to the eighth Massachusetts regiment received the Monies upon which a balance remains due from him.1

I am, Sir,   Your obedt. Servt.

A Hamilton

Joseph Howell Esquire

LS, RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives.

1Armstrong had been regimental paymaster from 1780 to 1783. H probably wished the information in connection with Armstrong’s claim against the United States. See “Report on the Petitions of William Mumford, Samuel Armstrong, and the Weighers, Measurers, and Gaugers of Portland and Falmouth, Massachusetts,” March 8, 1790.

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