To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 16 February 1790
From Tobias Lear
United States
February 16th. 1790.
In obedience to the command of the President of the United States, I have the honor to enclose for your information, a letter from M. H. Bird1 to the President of the United States dated at Charleston S. Ca. 23d January 1790. offering the services of the Houses of Bird, Savage & Bird, and of Mannings & Vaughan2 to Act as Agents, if such should be wanted in Europe for the purpose of negotiating a loan, or paying of Interest to the European Creditors of the United States.
I have the honor to be with perfect respect Sir Your most Obt. Servant
Tobias Lear.
Secretary to the President of the U. States.
LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. Henry M. Bird, a member of the London banking firm of Bird, Savage, and Bird, had speculated extensively in the South Carolina debt.
2. Manning and Vaughan was an English banking firm. The members of this firm were William Manning, John Laurens’s father-in-law, and Benjamin Vaughan, Manning’s son-in-law.