To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Willing, 9 December 1789
From Thomas Willing
Bank of No America [Philadelphia] Dec 9. 1789
We Reced your favor of the 3 Ins1 with its inclosures. One of the 15th2 being your Official Article of Agreement Respecting the third Loan being for twenty thousand Dollars3 the Recet of which you now acknowledge and say that the Treasr4 would by the same post send us a warrant for the Amot. We have only this moment Reced the Warrant from the Treasurer which has prevented our Returning [it] till this time; One of the Articles of Agreement confirmd under our Signature and Seal you now have it enclosed herewith.
Our Cashier5 writes to Mr Meredith on a Subject not only very disagreeable but very injurious to the Circulation of Treasury dfts on the Collectors. The Drafts on Norfolk are Returnd this day under protest, to the very great detriment of the Gentlemen who bot them of us—as you will be advised we beleive by Mr Sims6 himself.
I have the honor to be Sir for the Prest Directors & Co of the Bank of No America Your Obedt Servt
Alexr Hamilton Esqr
Secrety of the Treasury
LC, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
1. Letter not found.
2. Letter not found.
4. Samuel Meredith, United States treasurer from September, 1789 to December 1807.
5. Tench Francis.
6. Presumably Charles Simms, merchant and land speculator from Alexandria, Virginia.