To Alexander Hamilton from Mungo Mackay, 16 November 1789
From Mungo Mackay1
Boston, November 16, 1789. “A very respectable Body of the Merchants of this Metropolis having thought proper to communicate to us, the Members of the Boston Marine Society, a Copy of their proposed application to the President of the United States on the subject of the Pilotage of this Bay & Harbour, accompanied by a request that the Society wou’d state the present defects of that Business with the Causes & Remedy thereof for the consideration of the President of the Union. And the Society having also before, had a Letter laid before them, addressed by you as Secretary of the Treasury ‘To the Wardens of the Port of Boston respecting the repairs of Light-Houses Beacons & Buoys’.2 We find ourselves compell’d by Motives of Publick Duty to observe to you Sir, that a Reform is necessary in the Pilotage, &c of this Harbour.…”
LS, in writing of William Smith, RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “B,” New Hampshire and Massachusetts, National Archives. This letter was enclosed in William Smith to H, November 18, 1789.
1. Mackay was a merchant and the master of the Boston Marine Society.
2. This treasury circular is dated October 5, 1789.