Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Lindsay, 14 October 1789

From William Lindsay1

Norfolk [Virginia] October 14, 1789. “In reply to your circular Letter of the 1st Inst respecting Light Houses &c I have to inform you that there is no establishment of the Kind in this District. Inclosed is an Estimate of a Light House intended to be built on Cape Henry prior to the late War.… I observe by the Collection Law,2 that the Collector is to provide (with the approbation of the principal officer of the Treasury) Boats, Store Houses, Weights scales Measures, &c, as these are all wanting in this District, I wish for your sanction to have them provided.…”

ALS, RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern States, National Archives.

1Lindsay was collector of the customs at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia.

2“An Act to regulate the Collection of the Duties imposed by law on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on goods, wares and merchandises imported into the United States” (1 Stat. description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America (Boston, 1845). description ends 29–49 [July 31, 1789]).

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