To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Appleton, 8 October 1789
From Nathaniel Appleton1
Boston, October 8, 1789. “I perceive that His Excellency the President of the United States has been pleased to appoint you Secretary of the Treasury I therefore presume that it is my duty to transmitt Quarterly returns to you, of the Official proceedings in the Loan-Office, of which I have the honor to be a Commissioner, in the same manner as I have hitherto done to the late Commissioners of the Board of Treasury, untill I shall be honored with your Instructions on the Subject. I now accordingly enclose you a Quarterly return of business transacted in this Office from 1t July to 30th. Septembr last … besides the papers enclosed in the package I have for convenience to the Mail, formed two other packages Vizt No. I and No. II directed to the Secretary of the Treasury. Package No I contains all the Accts. presented to the Office by the Holders of Loan Office Certificates, & Certificates of Liquidated Debt, for Interest and also the Accounts of Depreciated Loans lodged in the Office. Package No II contains the Depreciated Loan Office Certificates which are cancelled & defaced with Vouchers for the delivery of New Loan Office Certift. in lieu thereof, also all the Vouchers for Interest paid.…”
LC, RG 53, Massachusetts State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1785–1781, Vol. “259-M,” National Archives.
1. Appleton was continental loan officer for Massachusetts.