Treasury Department Circular to the Wardens of the Ports, 5 October 1789
Treasury Department Circular to the
Wardens of the Ports
Treasury Department
October 5th. 1789.
If any arrangement has been made at the Port where you reside for the support Maintenance and repairs of Light-houses, Beacons, Buoys &c. under your direction; you will be pleased to continue the charge and superintendence of the same in the usual manner, ’till you receive further Instructions from me on this subject, taking care that your expenditures for those objects be conducted with proper economy; and that every payment made on this account be supported by regular Vouchers and Receipts.
As all the expences of the Establishments since the 15th. of August last are to be defrayed out of the Treasury of the United States, you will be pleased to transmit to me as particular an Abstract as possible of what have hitherto accrued on this Account; and an Estimate of what further expence may be expected to the 7th. August next. I shall be glad to have at the same time as particular a detail as possible of the nature and extent of the above establishment.
I am, Sir Your Obedt. servt.
Alex Hamilton
Secy of the Treasury
LS, to the Warden of the Port of New London, Connecticut, MS Division, New York Public Library; copy, to the Warden of the Port of St. Mary’s, Georgia, RG 56, Circulars of the Office of the Secretary, “Set T,” National Archives; copy, to the Wardens of the Ports…, RG 26, Early Lighthouse Letters, National Archives.