Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 24 September 1789

From Otho H. Williams1

Baltimore 24 Septr. 1789


The amount of the duties which have accrued in the district of Baltimore, from the 10th day of August to the 23d. Instant inclusive is two thousand six hundred and Seventy pounds, Sixteen Shillings and four pence according to the documents in my Office Vizt.

Cash on hand £   287.18.6
Bonds due @ 4 Months 1176.16.2
Ditto 6 Months  1206. 1.8

Your Obedient Humble Servant

O. H. Williams

Alexander Hamilton Esqr
Secretary of the Treasury

ALS, Office of the Secretary, United States Treasury Department.

1Williams was collector of the customs at Baltimore.

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