Alexander Hamilton Papers

James Barcklay to Alexander Hamilton and Balthazar De Haert, 22 May 1789

James Barcklay to Alexander Hamilton and
Balthazar De Haert1

Brookhaven [New York] May 22, 1789. “The Cases between Wells, and Wickham, & myself have been long enough in Court to have been determined, yet by fraudulent delays I know not how they stand.… I mean not to direct, but to desire proper care to be taken to prevent fraudulent tricks and delays, so that I may have my Money which they mean to cheat me out of.…”

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1The last name of H’s and De Haert’s correspondent has been torn from the MS. The “James” who wrote the letter must have been James Barcklay, for in H’s legal file (Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress) there are papers on a case between James Barcklay and William Wickham.

De Haert was H’s law partner.

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