Alexander Hamilton Papers

H. G. to Marinus Willett, [15 April 1789]

H. G. to Marinus Willett1

[New York, April 15, 1789]

H___ G___. having been informed that Mr. Willet has received a letter from the Attorney General,2 stating the circumstances of the interview between them, takes occasion to express his expectation that Mr. Willett will communicate it to the public.3

The [New York] Daily Advertiser, April 15, 1789.

2Egbert Benson.

3Willett replied, not to “H.G.” but to the editor of The Daily Advertiser. His letter, which appeared in that newspaper on April 16, 1789, reads as follows:

Mr. Childs,


I observe in your paper of this day, a note in which H___ G___ mentions, that he has been informed that I have received a letter from the Attorney General, stating the circumstances of an interview between us, and expressing an expectation that I will communicate it to the public. I take this early opportunity of informing you, (for as to Mr. H___ G___, I can consider in no other point of view, than as an assassin, until he comes forward with his name), that I did receive such a letter from Mr. Benson, late yesterday evening, and that this morning I called upon him to know whether it was his desire it should be published, and finding, as I had reason to suspect, from the nature of it, that he is not averse to it, I shall take an opportunity of transmitting a copy of it to your press, for the information of the public, in the course of the week.

M. Willett

15th April, 1789.

For the exchange of letters between Benson and Willett, see The Daily Advertiser, April 18, 1789.

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