To Alexander Hamilton from Phineas Howell, 24 March 1789
From Phineas Howell1
Newburgh [New York] March 24, 1789. States that a meeting of freeholders of Newburgh “by a very great majority” had nominated Robert Yates for governor and Pierre Van Cortlandt for lieutenant governor.
The [New York] Daily Advertiser, March 30, 1789.
1. Howell was chairman of a meeting to consider a circular letter from “a committee of the citizens of the city and county of New-York, of the 18th of February last, to the Supervisors of the county of Ulster directed” (The Daily Advertiser, March 30, 1789). Although the letter to the supervisors of Ulster has not been found, it was presumably the same as that sent to the Albany supervisors. See H to the Supervisors of the City of Albany, February 18, 1789.