To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Wadsworth, [5–28] February 1789
From Jeremiah Wadsworth
Hartford Feby. [5–28], 17891
My dear Sir
Your favor of the 25 Jany came in good time.2 Our Votes were given agreeably to your wishes Washington 7—Adams 5. Governor Huntington 2.3 By letters from Carrington4 I learn that Clinton is the antifederal Vice President5 but I think we have nothing to fear. I believe N Hampshire will give Adams 4. Massachusetts 6—Georgia 6 as letters from Georgia say he will have at least so many—which with ours makes 21, which is more than Clinton can get & we may certainly reckon on Nine Men for Adams in So Carolina Maryuland and Delaware Pensilvanea & N Jersey. We waved an answer to Your State & Virginia as you did not get my letter6 in Season to answer me on that Subject I feared we should not do any good by an answer—and as ye Antifederalists did not move it—I thot we had best let it Sleep. The Mony from Chaloner7 is to go to Church. I am dear Sir your Affectionate friend
Jere Wadsworth
When I returned from New York8 my friends would hear nothing of my being withdrawn from ye representation in Congress, as there was great pains taken to oppose me by ye antis9 & a certain set of Saints who are always preaching about ye Country against imploying in Government any of ye unconverted one of which they very foolishly take me to be, & tho I may be less usefull in ye assembly than in some other place I flatter my self some of my friends will be placed where you wish me & in that case I shall be perfectly satisfied.
ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
1. In a letter to John Adams, John Trumbull stated that Samuel B. Webb, who had been sent “on express to Hartford” by H, arrived “on the day before the election,” February 3, 1789 (Charles Francis Adams, The Works of John Adams [Boston, 1853], VIII, 484–85, note 1). The letter of January 25 referred to in the first line of this letter must have been the one delivered by Webb. Wadsworth’s letter has therefore been dated February 5–28, 1789.
2. Letter not found.
3. Samuel Huntington had served in the Continental Congress from 1775 to 1784.
4. Edward Carrington, a Virginia Federalist, had served in the Continental Congress.
5. Wadsworth meant that the Antifederalists preferred George Clinton for the vice presidency.
6. Letter not found.
7. John Chaloner was a Philadelphia merchant and the agent for both Wadsworth and John B. Church, who had been partners during the American Revolution.
8. Wadsworth had been in New York City as a delegate to the Continental Congress.
9. Wadsworth had been elected in January, 1789, to the first Congress under the Constitution.