From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [26 November 1788]
To John Chaloner
[New York, November 26, 1788]
Hurry of business has prevented my complying with the desire of your letter of the 20th. Ulto1 respecting the arrangement you have entered into with Daniel Parker & Co. &c. 2 Inclosed I send you a power of su[b]stitution which I hope will arrive in time.3 ⟨With all⟩ the ⟨–⟩ circumstances considered what has been done is prudent so as it does not affect any collateral security which I presume has been attended to.
A Hamilton
ALS, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
1. Letter not found.
2. The firm of Daniel Parker and Company had subcontracted during the American Revolution to supply forage for the partnership of Jeremiah Wadsworth and John B. Church. Chaloner had been instructed to settle the accounts of Church with the company. See “Power of Attorney to John Chaloner,” November 22, 1788.