Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to the Agents of the State of New York for Managing the Controversy with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, [18 November 1788]

To the Agents of the State of New York for Managing the Controversy with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts1

[New York, November 18, 1788]

The Agents of the State of New York }
for managing the controversy with the
Commonwealth of Massachusettes
To Alexander Hamilton Dr.
For my services in examining the controversy collecting testimony and drawing brief for the hearing. The time spent in this business I cannot precisely determine but to the best of my recollection and Judgment it must have exceeded in the whole five weeks say however 35 days at
£3.4 per day £112.

N. B. I received no retainer2

Alexander Hamilton

ADS, Maine Historical Society, Portland.

1For information on H’s services as counsel for “The Agents of the State of New York for managing the controversy with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” see James Duane, John Jay, Robert R. Livingston to H and Samuel Jones, June 9, 1785. See also “Notes on the History of North and South America,” December, 1786.

2At the bottom of the page H’s bill was certified as follows: “We are of Opinion that the above Account as charged at One Hundred and twelve pounds ought to be paid. Jas. Duane. Egbt. Benson.” Duane and Benson forwarded H’s account to Peter Curtenius, the state auditor.

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