Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 6 November 1788

From George Washington

Mount Vernon Novr. 6th. 1788

Dear Sir,

The Count de Moustier1 affording a very favourable conveyance for Captn. Cochrans Watch,2 I have requested the favor of him to take charge of it—and he will deliver it to you accordingly with Mrs. Washington’s & my best wishes for you & Mrs. Hamilton

I am Dr Sir Your Obedt. & affe Servt

The Honble. Alex Hamilton Esqr

AL[S], Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1The Comte de Moustier, French Minister to the United States, visited Mount Vernon in October, 1788. See GW description begins John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington (Washington, 1931–1944). description ends , XXX, 121.

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